High Performance Woodfired Ovens


OT Series Maxi For Bakery

Bakery wood fired ovens
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OT Series Maxi For Bakery

Valoriani Commercial Wood Fired Ovens OT Series Maxi is one of the last innovation developed by this company based in Tuscany. This model of wood fired oven is specifically designed for bakery, it is available in three different sizes. Imported in Australia by Vesuvio, are fully assembled and made in Italy, ready for installation and operation. Series Maxi includes all the components of the oven’s dome and baking surface, besides all the necessary materials for the upper and lower insulation of the oven. The oven’s assembly is carried out by the client who will also provide for the construction of the support base and containment walls.

Compare Series OT Maxi for Bakery

OT 220 OT 245 OT 270
Inside dim. cm 220 x 220 220 x 245 220 x 270
Outside dim. with arch cm 240x285x195 270x310x195 270x335x195
Oven’s mouth 57 x 29 57 x 29 57 x 29
Fr. opening cm
Weight Kg. Approx. 3300 3900 4300
Flue 25 25 25
Wood consum. (Kg/h 300oC)
Bread Capacity Kg. 42 48 55
Surface M2 3.8 4.35 4.9

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